Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


That moment as you walk towards the water, you tie your hair back and take the first step in.

In Winter, it’s almost a religious experience


Notes from movie college :

Flash fiction

(Screenwriting class…. Students I want you to write me 2 stories each - both having only 10 words each. One should be serious and one comedic. We will choose one and make a short film around that one).

Laundromats are good places for washing dirty linen in public

and comedic

She was too down to do her crossword that day

All students wrote great flash fiction stories and we chose one unanimously and broke into 3 groups and shot a 2 minute short

Then we discussed script formats and were told about another damn assignment

If you have time and are interested, take a look at

I need to check that as by 4pm I was basically exhausted from the constant wonderful creative bombing I have had today)

And on a sad note, Sinead lost her son Shane

A great Wednesday and I had a fleeting spaghetti dinner with Hannah Jay

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