jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Grace, chocolate, and coffee

Pretty much sums today up really.

I saw a picture with these words on yesterday and liked it, and shared it on my fb profile saying "for tomorrow" or something like that, not quite realising just how prophetic I was being in doing so.

Bear had more inexplicable screaming episodes last night (not night terrors, just serious fed-up-ness for whatever reason) so I didn't get a great deal of sleep and neither did he. We were pretty tired this morning.

While I was tidying up the living room before breakfast Bear went and climbed up to the table and helped himself to the playdough and tools! Apparently he can now open the pots I keep the playdough in. He was having a pretty good time too!

The wind took a piece of felt off my shed roof yesterday and I put a call out asking if anyone could come and fix it back up for me, so Jo brought her hubby Dan and little boy round this morning and Dan bless him went and figured out the ladder and nailed it back on - hugely grateful!

Bean was sad that he'd not got to play out in the garden with Jo but instead after they went we headed out to play anyway. I took the purple olbas scented rice out that I'd made weeks ago. Bear thought it was interesting, and Bean thought it was AMAZING - totally the opposite to who I expected would enjoy it more! We had a great time outside playing, which came to an abrupt halt when Bear tripped and fell and grazed his nose and cried lots and almost fell asleep nursing before I'd even got his coat and hat off.

While he slept, Bean got to play with lego and watch a film in peace which was nice. And when he woke up and came to find me (holding the blanket I'd covered him with and looking extremely puzzled) we had lunch and dithered about what to do during the afternoon. Bear decided by himself. He asked for something to draw with when he saw me starting to draw, so we got paper and crayons out, then he started to eat the crayons so I gave him some cereal. Then he wanted playdough so we got that out. Bean came and joined in. They had a lot of fun playing with their dough while I got wholemeal bread dough mixed and proving until it was most definitely bathtime. Bathtime lasted a very long time. Bear had enough fairly quickly so he got out as soon as he was clean. Bean however would stay in the bath all day if he could, splashing and playing. Bear just wanted to be warm, I think, so as soon as he was dry and dressed he went back to play with Bean from the (slightly) drier side of the bath. He only needed a dry teeshirt afterwards so that was pretty good really.

I hid in the bedroom and crocheted, and listened to the Bean shrieking and the Bear shrieking happily back.

Dinner and bed soon after. Amazingly, with the clocks going forward last week, the boys' bedtime in real time has shifted forwards by TWO hours. So whereas they were getting ready for bed at 8pm and in bed by 9pm, now they are getting ready at a little after 7pm and in bed by 8pm. I do not know how that has happened. It's lovely. I hope it isn't why Bear is screaming inexplicably at night.

But I am incredibly bored of an evening and am spending them curled up in bed with my crochet... Only two full days until Steve comes home. Looking forward to talking with him again! I've missed talking the most. Communicating. There's no wifi where he is, and texts are expensive, so we're feeling weirdly disconnected but not really. We're kind of used to being apart, but with Skype and texts and things usually to keep in touch with. Not having those is making it tough work! Still. Two days.

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