Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Calf born up Mossy Lea (two in fact)

The title is a phrase used in our family when the quality and depth of journalistic writing is questioned.

This harks back to an 'O' Level English teacher trying to teach us creative writing and using a typical local paper headline as an example of stating the obvious without adding any colour or anything to draw you in to read the rest of the article.

"Calf born up Mossy Lea" - in this case its true and in fact there are two.

The calves were seen at the barn on left, the one to the south west with the tin roof, that has Swallows flying through it in the summer at Mossy Lea Farm, Glossop, Derbyshire, UK, The World, The Solar System, The Universe.

[Always include as much detail as possible !!!!]

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