The Old Curiosity Shop

This jigsaw has been on the go for a long while and I finally completed it today. It is The World of Dickens. I have two others in the series - World of Shakespeare and World of Jane Austen. I agree with Jeanne that this one has not been as enjoyable as the others, I suspect because there are so many characters and it is hard to figure out who they are. Also I suppose, although I have at one time or another read all of Dickens, remembering who was in each one is impossible. The accompanying text is not as good as it was for the others either, e.g. there is no mention of the fire which dominates the picture, but I can only assume that is Bleak House, which I think goes up in flames, but I may be wrong. 

We cleaned out our hallway today and underneath the shoe rack I found a pair of mules, which we knew were nothing to do with us. Our daughter said they were Alice’s so I sent her a photo - ‘I’ve been looking for these everywhere’ she said. 

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