Castle Geo

A windy day, with freezing gales picking up this evening.  Mostly sunny this morning, and then snowy showers started after lunch.  

Another day working in the airport.  I was on check-in first thing, and then most of the day was working with oil and gas flights.  Mostly a lazy evening at home with the telly, but I managed a chilly walk around Scalloway with Sammy. 

I had a fine lunchtime walk along the banks, even though I was blasted by cold winds, and then the snow started on my way back.  I spotted a place called the Castle and Castle Geo on an old map, and had to go investigate.  It turned out to be a sea stack in the sea, which I can see looking like a castle.  Wonder what size it was when it was first named? Looking to the Castle, Castle Geo, Sumburgh.  

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