
By bananablip

A rare day

An entire day in the office today, alone and with nowhere else to be. Absolutely wonderful. So often when the day is broken up by meetings and school visits, it's hard to get down to big pieces of work without distraction. Today has been all about ticking off to-do lists and getting down to work on some funding proposals. The office has been silent apart from the tapping of my keyboard and the sounds of the street below. 

I walked into work this morning as my bike is still in the office after being abandoned last Friday. It's a good 45 minute walk and almost every step was bambi-like on frozen pavements. I observed, with utter joy, a mum scooting home after the school run on a very tiny scooter. 

On the street below my office, the humans wrapped in coats convey the message that winter is very much still here.

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