Delicate pink Orchid
This beauty has been in flower for 2 months and still going strong. They are such long lasting blooms.
It certainly has been cold -2 when I got up at 7 am & it didn't rise until 10.30 am, then it was only 2%c went up to 3%c & that's been it.
First I had Julie come to do my monthly pedicure ( mainly cos' I can't get down to cut my toe nails!) Then I put a wash in the machine . Next job was to revitalise my shoes . Just a warning , if you feel like using this black spray , as I did , put gloves on as I ended up with black hands which was hard to remove. Now where did I leave my sense this morning??? Err' must have been somewhere certainly wasn't with me, what a crazy lady I am !!
It seems as if I've been on my feet all day, Busy doing nothing busy the whole day through! as the song goes.
Hope your Friday has been safe & that you're keeping warm .
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