BCSplash - Windy walk
It's the weekend and BCSplash time again!
We love a bit of humour in photography and this week, we were "blown away" by this photo by blipper Dreich on a very windy walk!
Dreich's journal is absolutely fascinating and, although each new image is quite unlike the last, they all work so well together due to the clever use of light, shadow, space and often vivid colour. A masterclass in composition!
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If you're a new blipper, there are various ways you can view the website using the browse button in the navigation. From there you can choose where to look next from Recent, New Blippers, Milestones, Popular and Following.
We're sure that many go straight to "Following", but don't forget to check out the others because you never know what you might find.
It's always great to welcome a new blipper or help someone celebrate their anniversary with a star or a heart.
Wondering what #BCsplash is?
Well, we’re always on the lookout for eye-catching images to be included on our Facebook and Twitter headers as well as here on the community blog. Pick out a photo that would make an appealing first impression to visitors and add the tag #BCsplash.
We'd love to see new members taking part too - it’s a great way we can help introduce you to the community and showcase your images alongside Blipfoto. Plus, we really enjoy looking through your images every week!
This is where you’ll find us!
Many thanks
Richard and Bex
(Blippers: richard & WharfedaleBex)
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