
By BlipCommunity

BCSplash by HarlingDarling

It's hard to believe that this is our last BCSplash of January!

Apart from this January photograph by HarlingDarling being very beautiful and seasonal for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we thought it would provide a great opportunity to tell you about our latest media coverage from the #PRClimate Challenge.

Back in October we asked blippers to help us create a series of images on the subject of climate change for submission to the press. 
As always you rose to the challenge and we're delighted to say that the Guardian newspaper liked them too and this week featured us on their website here. We think it’s a fascinating example of how our individual journals are making collective history.

They did not publish all the images, but we are so grateful to each and every blipper who took part. If you have an idea for a future challenge let us know by emailing or leave us a comment below.

And if that wasn't enough we enjoyed even more, almost incredible, publicity on RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse in an interview with Miruna Coca-Cozma, Digital Journalist and Producer. 

Yes we're astounded too!
To read more and enjoy the interview click here.

Thank you to everyone for all your efforts!

Wondering what #BCsplash is?
Well, we’re always on the lookout for eye-catching images to be included on our Facebook and Twitter headers as well as here on the community blog. Pick out a photo that would make an appealing first impression to visitors and add the tag #BCsplash.  

We'd love to see new members taking part too - it’s a great way we can help introduce you to the community and showcase your images alongside Blipfoto. Plus, we really enjoy looking through your images every week!

This is where you’ll find us!
Many thanks
Richard and Bex

(Blippers: richard & WharfedaleBex) 

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