
No photos today so this is one my brother sent me yesterday.  He is CEO of his company and is working hard to get staff across the UK back into the office.  But I think the message is being lost somewhere.............  I know there are two sides of the debate and working from home suits some people but so much has been lost by working in isolation and losing the networking and camaraderie.  He says that if jobs (in his industry) can be done at home.........they can be done in India?  Hark at me...... talking about working when I am (very) happily retired.  Although having said that I did work for a year during lockdown, going in each day.  

Today was 25 lengths in the pool followed by three hours volunteering - then home for a bit of online shopping.  Our bedroom carpet and furniture is arriving next week (from decorating project which was finished in November!) and I have just ordered a very sumptuous mattress topper for our bed.  OH was at football and his team won.  He also had a haircut this morning and was going to try the local barbers so I am hoping he does not come home 'scalped'......... my mantra is always 'don't have too much cut off'!!

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