St Magnus Lane

After all these years I should have seen it coming, I fairly let my guard down.  I had just put my feet up for a quiet five minutes, to aid my recovery from my visit to Kirkwall.  Coffee, snackette and newspaper to hand, they were to be a balm to my ‘toon heid’.  Literally, as I sat down, the Current Mrs Creel and her sister entered (straight off the ferry) and I got a full salvo.  Honestly, will I never learn ?

Today’s exceedingly important ‘extra’ has been specially commissioned by someone who may wish to remain nameless, but is in fact Mrs Munroist.
Other breaking news is that Dougal is now outwith the County and today he may have been at East End Park.

Kevin the donkey (although he doesn’t know he’s a donkey) is in a different field.
The Vale only managed a point at Strathspey; at times like this it’s hardly worth going on.
Blanche is resting.

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