
By hpx


Keith without pedals. I removed them so I could check they're all good. Keith also briefly wore some new pedals so I could set them up for my new commuting bike.

Dear old Bob-the-bike moved on today. He hasn't gone far. He's the first mountain bike of a young girl who lives near me. She's very excited.

I stripped a few things off him that she won't need and which will help with the new commuter. It's good to recycle.

Like most people, I'm a little nervous of what's ahead of us with Omicron. As of tomorrow I'll be working from home. I've done it before and I'll adjust again.

I'm vaccinated and boosted. I'm prepared if I get sick. I have plenty of everything I need. That's all any of us can do, along with living one day at a time.

Today's gratitude: For as much warning as possible today.

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