Sunday Walkies at Maywick

Some showers first thing, the odd glimpse of sunshine, mostly dull and windy.

A fine lazy Sunday morning about the house, and then headed out walkies with Sammy.  After lunch, I headed out walkies with friend Julie, we met up with mam and the gang too.  Popped by Shannon's for a cuppa, and then Laura's for a cuppa.  Working in the shop tonight. 

A blustery walk at the beach this afternoon, and with the high tides, there wasn't much of a beach to walk on.  The dogs had plenty of fun, charging about off the leads, they'll all sleep well tonight.  Heading back to the car, Lena and Sammy, Julie and Keba, Megan and Olly, Laura, mam and Jonny.  Taken at Maywick beach.  

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