By lizzie_birkett

These are a few of my favourite things!

It’s been a relaxing day, I decided to have Sunday off from clearing out, though I did sort out my jewellery boxes and a few things will be on their way to Oxfam next week.
Other than that I’ve just dossed about really.
Read some of the paper.
Fell asleep after lunch on the floor in front of the wood burner.
Wrote a poem, meant for today but not quite right so I wrote the one below.
Phoned Sue, on the phone for an hour +!
Walked Bella round the block.
Then the first line of this poem came when I saw the local little boys playing chase in the street. They always wave when they see me in the window.

Things that make me Happy

Children playing in the street
Snowdrops pushing through snow
Fresh baked scones on a Sunday
The squawk of a carrion crow
Knitting the last row of a jumper
A sunrise in a pale yellow sky
The soft silky ears of our dog
The glint in my husband’s eye
Seeing-in the flesh-our grandkids
The fragrance of a beautiful rose
Setting off on a trip on the boat
Staying in when the raw wind blows
A long walk on a frosty moor
The sun setting orange and red
Checking the ‘Blips’ after tea
Snuggling with a book in bed.

The photo is stolen from For Enjoyment Artists on FB. (Is that allowed?)
This is the list of prompts for February. All Scots word that we can depict in way we choose. Draw, write, photograph, create -  absolutely anything goes.

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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