Another day, another walk

Good sleep had by both of us, not so much by Le PHL who was apparently up at 4 making himself some toast! Guess he’s feeling better even though he’s still testing positive.

Quick walk before breakfast and then a lazy morning. Phin was tired out from yesterdays antics and seems to have suffered no ill effects thankfully.
Cooked up some sausages and took sausage buns over to Mr PHL for an early lunch. I nipped to the wee co-op to get some veg for the pasta bake I’d planned for dinner whilst Mr PHL watched Phin.

Back to the van to have my lunch and a quick tidy rounds before I took Phin out for a quick walk. I headed for a different path as the woods were busy with weekend walkers.
It was a nice woodland walk and although I didn’t mean to be put for long, we walked just over 5k. Spotted this falling down gate and thought it would work for Derelict Sunday.

Made the pasta bake and took Mr PHL’s portion over to him. He’s decided he doesn’t like the switches and sockets installed by the electrician so
is sourcing new ones now. He allowed himself to be convinced to go for cheaper options by the electrician and if he hadn’t been I’ll would have spotted it sooner!

Back to the van to have my dinner and just about to head out for Phin’s late night walk. Night all.

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