
By OurYearOut

Back to Bangkok

And we're in Bangkok miles from this world. Arrival in Mandalay at 4.30am. Hours whiled away with greasy nibbles, green tea and coffee mix waiting for dawn. People to the end so kind and interested, and can't do enough to help/ want to chat just to practice English. More hours in the airport.

It's been lovely. Finally we've been able to do some of the holiday things we'd like to, and it's a fascinating place. It'll be a long slow and stop-start-up-down process to any real change though - and the basics of social services desperately needed. Funny both it and Congo have been labelled "failed state". A very different understanding of "failed" . . .

The photo's a bit random: a last minute wedding procession in Kalaw. As far as we could work out between a 4 year old girl and 12 year old boy. . . Ouch.

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