Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Grumpy Cat

After the hassle of having to set up a new printer, download drivers online, etc. I was not in the mood to faff with the Wi-Fi didn't set up as simply as it was supposed to do according to the instructions. I gave it a couple of tries and then gave up and went to make a cup of tea. Lewis then shouted up that he'd set up the printer's Wi Fi (in just seconds!!). Anyway, we are up and running. So good because it means the boys don't have to hog my computer to do their homework anymore....they can use any computer and send the signal to the printer. Genius!

As a trial print out, I told Lewis to print out any picture....and this is what he printed! (Rowan modelling the printed item here). The whole grumpy cat thing is new to me....but some of the images are hilarious! Check it out: Grumpy Cat.

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