
Sarah and I (mostly Sarah) have been making progress in the garden, taking advantage of the mild dry weather. One of Sarah's tasks for today was to move the huge piles of leaves which Storm Arwen had blown against the house (4 feet high drifts by the back door!). She took 3 or 4 wheelbarrow loads and put them on the vegetable beds, where the worms will do their magic and enrich the soil.

We are spurred on in our work by the possibility of a visit later in the year by the gardener who worked with Charles Jencks to create the garden of Cosmic Speculation at Portrack. He called in here last Friday when I was at work, thinking that our garden was the one next door (the one with the huge cedar I blipped two days ago - a garden which is much grander and considerably tidier..). D had a nice chat with him before sending him off in the right direction, and he said he might return in the summer to see what our garden looked like then...

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