Inner self

I had an almost sleepless night, and a very painful one. After midnight I felt a little snap in my back in the area that had hit the ice yesterday, and the pain multiplied instantly. I tried to sleep, but couldn't and finally Triinu helped me out of bed and I spent the rest of the night in the rocking chair.

I called first aid at that point, but decided to take some painkillers and wait till morning. At night it would have been at the Tays main hospital in Tampere, in the morning I could go to the local health centre. Triinu dropped me off there, as she was heading in the same direction with her work van.

I was afraid that Monday morning would be busy there, but I had wait just a few minutes before being examined by a doctor. She sent me to X-ray to check my lungs, which were okay, but she couldn't say whether there's a fracture in one of the ribs. After that home via pharmacy with a taxi.

It has been a long and boring day, mostly sitting, and taking every move very cautiously. Triinu had to do the cattle duties (with Jussi in the afternoon) and she will have to do tomorrow morning, too. I will get help after that for the rest of the week.

But at least the public health care worked very well this time and all the persons involved were very nice. The doctor did more than what I would expect first aid to do (checking differences to previous X-rays and consulting a specialist for a second opinion on a little thing she had noticed) and the taxi driver was good company on the way home.

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