
By cowgirl

Just Jane

Still feeling rubbish, but much improved on how I've been this week. At least I've managed a shower!

Today ( Sat 6th, back blipping but writing as if I managed this y'day) is Sav's birthday. Poor guy - no cake or celebrations as I'm not up to it ... and anyway, neither is he as he's getting a cold and has conjunctivitis. We have painted a skull and cross bones on the front door to keep people away!

Inbetween trying to find something to encourage me to eat that I might not throw up again, fetching the doctor and generally feeling helpless as to what to do, Sav has managed to finish his latest project, Just Jane.

We celebrated by watching the first two Bourne films. Will be watching the third one tomorrow ( bargain, all 3 films for £7!).

Really hope to be back in the saddle this coming week. Watch this space ...

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