The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Lincoln 10km

I had a broken night of sleep but I felt so much better this morning - ready and raring to go. After our walk and breakfast I hit the gym at opening time and did an hour of intervals...tough stuff but it felt good. Shower and changed, drove to Waitrose and ate my second breakfast in the car...I thought the shop opened at 10am but it turns out it opens at 9,30am for you to fill your trolley, you just can't pay until 10am. How sad, but that made my day! By 10.05am I had done my weekly shop and was sat in the cafe, enjoying my free coffee and reading the paper on the iPad. How civilised!

I left the car there and wandered down into the centre of Lincoln to watch the 10km. I needed to take photos for my next assignment and managed to snap 647 in about forty minutes. I got home around half one, unpacked my shop, ate lunch and then spent a little while deleting the rubbish photos and selecting eleven for the assignment. They are not great but I think they will do! This one made me might have been a clear day with shadows falling on the ground, but it was still bitterly cold...I bet this guy regretted pouring his water on himself in such a dramatic style when he realised how cold it would feel!!

This afternoon I've worked and Lottie has moaned as she has hurt her shoulder again. I checked her paw and it is definitely her shoulder - back to the vet tomorrow for some more magic pills. I played ball in the garden with Pip until she gave in - 76 throws and she threw in the towel! I've tried to get the fire to light but it isn't playing ball so we are all shivering a little...I'll try again later on so that we can have a comfy night of sleep. Now I'm trying to get the first draft of my assignment done before dinner and the re-run of The Voice from last night. I do like that show!

Glad you got home safe and sound, hope your INSET Day tomorrow goes well.xx

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