
By TrishaR

Seven hundred and thirty!

I bought a red balloon for Cameron and Ben this morning and had a nice photoshoot planned thinking the weather would be as glorious as yesterday ...... Mmmm sleety and rainy, damp and cold, so abandoned that one pretty quick.

Instead we headed off to Stanley Mills, one of the local Historic Scotland properties and took this quick shot in the grounds before heading inside where they spent 2 hours in the water stuff downstairs - good rainy day fun - turning dams on and off - actually I don't know what it did but it was entertaining enough for the two boys!!!

Ok, it's not 2 years straight off. Life got in the way at times. But I have 730 pictures and words detailing mostly good times in my years of blipping. From the very first one of a little 5 year old boy starting school to today's one, with the addition of Ben along the way. They continue to bring so much joy into my life. This one here is such a big personality already, his chatter, the way his eyes light up when he sees you and the giggles make my heart sing.

Ach I always try to just put a couple of paragraphs and then rabble on and on.....

Looking forward to meeting in person more blippers to add to the lovely ones I have already met.....


ps Ben stole his Bubba's balloon and then burst it.....

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