Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Rural Lincolnshire

I thought that with just a couple of days to go, I would take the opportunity to blip a classic view off my usual daily walk. There are a few things I will miss about life on the fens, the big skies and open vistas, a sense of rootedness to the land and agriculture and of course some people who I have known for many years. After 35 years here I qualify as an accepted foreigner but not a true yellow belly. I will not miss the damp, grey days which are so frequent and the cold that penetrates the bones when the wind is from the east. I have found the many people who I met in the shop mostly friendly but there is still residual dourness and distrust particularly of Jonnie foreigner. I have always found that and an underlying racism in some people quite repugnant and I suppose I have made more friends in the mountains of the Pyrenees in a relatively short time than the many years spent in Lincolnshire. Nevertheless, the fens have penetrated my psyche and I will return. 

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