Helvellyn without a view

We had looked at the weather forecast last night and I’d more or less decided to do a low level walk…it looked like a 100% chance of zero visibility above 800m and strong gusty wind on the tops. But once I had said goodbye to Sarah and Jess at Threlkeld, I drove to Wythburn Church and thought I’d just walk uphill until the view of Thirlmere ran out..and then I just kept going.

I took this photo quickly at the trig post on Helvellyn and then I made a quick retreat down to the car park again. The photo probably doesn’t show how cold (windchill temp of -7) it was, or how noisy with wind, or how you just couldn’t see much at all. There certainly wasn’t a view. But I enjoyed it, somehow. I was wearing the top D gave me some time ago, it’s the best for these conditions, all furry inside. I only had a wool t shirt on underneath and I was plenty warm enough. When I turned back into the wind, though, I put on my Covid mask to keep my mouth warm!

Sarah and Jess ran 20 miles. They are made of strong stuff. We are now resting at The Traveller’s Rest Inn near Grasmere and ready to go down and sit in front of the fire in the bar and have something to eat. Jess is flat out under the bed..she has already had her tea.

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