Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


We found those essentials today in the third supermarket we'd tried since our usual supermarket didn't have any at the weekend. It's always good to have a few tins in the cupboard as a quick and easy standby. We thought they were disappearing from all shelves!

A day at my laptop, working on admin things for the next course.  There's time yet and much of that will be used in making a few key changes, which will be more work at first, but hopefully provide a more rewarding experience for everyone over the longer term. Fingers crossed it comes off. The work I'm doing these days is in helping the centre, rather than on actual course content. I'm reluctant to start work on that fully till the course is confirmed, but it's taking up brain space! The number of candidates makes a big difference too on the course design and teaching practice rotas!

Two walks with Bb and I was just short of 10,000 steps. The last 2 days I was waaay off! 

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