
I was supposed to meet a friend in Langdale for a walk but she had had a bad night's sleep and didn't have much energy.  She did, however, have energy for coffee and a scone at Low Sizergh Barn.  Very nice.  It was good to see her as we hadn't managed to get together for a few months.  She had a lot to download about teenage daughters and husband who is recovering from major back surgery.  I hope it helped being able to get it all off her chest.

The weather was so much better today - sunshine which makes a welcome change after so much grey and mist.  These are two views of the bay taken only about 1/2 hr apart.  

Our neighbour arranged for tree surgeons to come and trim back and lift the canopy on some overhanging branches.  The chaps were in our garden for most of the morning and it looks much better.  Thanks A.  

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