Manky old balls at Cramond

This morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue so we decided to go for a long walk at Cramond. Sometimes when we go to Cramond I'm allowed to take my ball, but today the tide was all the way in so Ann said, 'Trixie, you're not playing with your ball today. We'll walk along the prom to Granton and then we'll turn around and walk back. That will probably take us one and a half – two hours.'

As soon as I jumped out of the car; guess what I found in the car park?.................. a manky old tennis ball. Yay! I carried it for about half a mile and then I spotted another manky old tennis ball. I was so happy that I dropped my first manky old tennis ball and picked up the new one. I thought Ann might carry one of them for me because my mouth isn't big enough to carry two balls at once.

…..........Do you want to know what Ann said?......................... She said, 'Trixie, I'm not going anywhere near those manky old tennis balls. If you want to keep them, then you'll have to carry them.' I thought that was really unfair because she knows I'm only a little dog with a little mouth. My friend Ozzy, the Golden Retriever, can carry up to 5 toys at once. Isn't he a lucky boy?!

Anyway, I left the second 'manky old tennis ball' for another little doggie to find and then a little bit further on I found a really nice orange rubber ball. Ann wanted me to swop it for my manky old tennis ball but I was in 'angry mode' by then so I clenched my teeth round my manky old tennis ball and refused to swop it for a nice clean orange rubber ball.

Ha, ha, sometimes I'm soooooo clever................ Ann picked up the nice clean orange rubber ball and put it into her pocket. ............Result! ..........Today I came home with a manky old tennis ball and a nice clean orange rubber ball. Yay!

Oh, and then when we were almost back to the car, I found yet another manky old tennis ball, but obviously I just had to leave that for another little doggie to find because Ann refused to touch that one also.

This afternoon I had snooze time carrying a manky old tennis ball for an hour and a half is actually very tiring while Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' at 3pm. When she came home, we popped to Aldi obv I had to wait in the car and then went for a play in Fairmilehead Park. Got home about 5pm and even though we had to switch all the lights on................... the nights are definitely getting lighter. Yay! Soon I will be able to go on proper off my lead walks on the days when Ann finishes work at 5pm.

PS – My human is watching the 'BBC 6pm News' while helping me write my BLIP. Looks like it's all about 'wearing/not wearing masks' but there again we're watching 'English News'. Masks in Scotland have never, ever, stopped being mandatory. Personally if Ann had a choice, she would probably only wear a mask when goes on a bus (the two buses she was on today were very, very busy) but here in Scotland, humans don't have a choice. They have to wear masks all the time in any indoor settings. Even if they get up from a table and walk through an empty bar/restaurant to go to the toilet???? Enough said. My human must not RANT!!! Lol!!! But what's good for the PM is good for her. #letshaveaparty

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