A real friend

You may already know that Covid-19 has hit our family, as the boys' nanny brought it with her on Tuesday.  She let Manda know about it on Wednesday, by which time Lex and Doug had also been exposed since they were with the boys all day.  So they're all staying indoors and away from everyone, and we wait to see if the boys are hit hard by it.  Everyone else is fully vaccinated.

What this means for me, aside from not being able to see them and have Twinsday on Sunday, is that Lex can't take me to my 5-hour appointment at SCCA tomorrow.  I really don't want to go alone, but I resigned myself to it.  Then I ran into Roselie in the elevator today and worked up the courage to ask her if she might be willing to go along with me for moral support.  She said yes!  So I will have a companion, which will make the ordeal much less distressing. Talk about serendipity!

I made it to Lenscrafters and ordered my new bifocals; I was surprised to find that my insurance covered a much larger portion of the cost than I'd anticipated.  They bent my current eyeglasses back into shape, so now I will have my glasses for driving tomorrow.

So tomorrow evening I will have a treatment plan and know what to expect going forward.  I'm trying to be optimistic.

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