Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A Vegan recipe book.

The Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
The weather here is milder yet cold and the heating is a good blessing. It is 9c outdoors.
I have bought this superb Vegan cookery book to try with Paul's immense help, a few of the recipes. Gaz Oakley is not a chef I knew of before I watched his online demonstration of how to cook Jackfruit Shepherd's Pie.
Jackfruit is available in tins in some supermarkets. It absorbs tge flavours of the foods cooked with it.
Tofu does the same regarding taking on flavours.
Arthur is here with me and after a while I will listen to Jeremy Vines Show to learn what they are discussing and whether they visitvthe allotment in the Rhondda in South Wales. There is always so much to learn.
I must confess I am a Vegan who sees the value of eating raw honey as a healthy supportive food for the immune system, from ethical sources. Many Vegans find this not to their liking. I do not use it lavishly and realise it is the very hard efforts of the bees that provides the honey.The one I support is
Cilgwenyn Bee Farm in Wales. Small local enterprises deserve all the grace and support they need in these tough times we are living through.
Thank you for recent kind comments. Keep safe and enjoy the weekend.

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