A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Manilva Sunrise

It was J's idea. "Let's go and sit on the roof as the sun rises and photograph it."

Great idea at 11:30 on Saturday night. Not quite such a good idea at 7:30 on Sunday, but we went up to the roof and sat, in a very cold wind, as the sun began her fiery journey from the sea to the sky.

And fabulous it was too! It was only 15 minutes from twilight to daylight and if you blinked, you missed a wonderful change in the colours of the clouds and sea.

Afterwards, a game of padel and brunch, a walk on the beach and then it was all too soon time to come home.

But it's my birthday on Tuesday, so J will be coming up here to have dinner with Mum and me.

Can't wait.

Have a great week everybody.

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