Winter Aconites

We stayed indoors all morning while Storm Malik raged, blowing over all three bins, the birdtable onto the birdbath then over to the wall and a neighbour's ridge tile that was a replacement only a couple of years ago.
Power cuts in Roslin and Penicuik brought offers from those with gas to help those all-electric households.

But we also had a complete rainbow and sunshine so, after lunch, when the wind had abated a little (though was still cold) we took a walk round the block, to include the gully where the aconites and snowdrops bloom (see also extra photo). There will be daffodils and then the small-flowered leek to enjoy in weeks to come.

This was to be the Great Garden Birdwatch but the birds were hunkered down and none came to the feeders today - they'll be hungry so, though tomorrow's forecast isn't much better, we may spot the regulars.

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