.....play the game, play the game....

Another beautiful morning.....up early and out to pick up Ian to go fishing. Shaun is off fishing at the moment.....the lovely Kath isn't well so he's on duty at home.

The fishing went well....4 bream, 4 roach and 3 perch..........not the biggest catch ever....but after three weeks without being able to get out it was just good to sit in the Sun and catch something.

Home....and the Boss had a gardening job for me.....well you know I'm not allowed to do gardening....so it was a bit of sawing and a bit of hammering....and a fence panel repaired.

The S & H, YH and Charlie turned up unexpectedly......the lure of roast pork belly must have been too much for them. The clouds came in and it got cooler but we all had fun playing in the garden and conservatory...and then we all ate....and played some more. Charlie is stringing more words together and some of her sentences make us laugh....not sure about her reply to my request for a kiss though....."No way. Don't want it!"

After they left I got ready to go out for a beer with D (B is in Berlin at the moment)...but he phoned and he isn't really over the Montezuma's Revenge that struck him down on Thursday....so we decided to give it a miss.

I've just got everything sorted for the return to work tomorrow....clothes...especially finding a tie......bag.....pens etc.

I think it could be time for an early night.

Quiz Cup Final tomorrow night!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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