........Russian tat......

Scrambling round for a blip tonight........busy at work............a pile of marking.....fishing club committee meeting........

and then I found this...........they make stupendous vodka......amazing chocolate........great cigs........wonderful furs..........cracking hats..........iconic beautiful babushka dolls.....we've got lots of good stuff..........and tons and tons of the naffest tat you could imagine.

I don't really know what this is......it's ceramic........I think it might be to hang on a wall.....but it's so bad it's great!

I only recognise the cathedral and (I think) the ice rink in the background......still it's the thought that counts.

I wonder if there'll be any more trips to Siberia......with the current political climate......

Any how I'm off to bed..........can't even stay up to watch Game of Thrones.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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