
With my brother and sister in law we headed to North Berwick. The wind from Storm Malik was fierce and at Longniddry Bents we were almost blown off our feet. Frequently, as I have blipped in the past, you can see windsurfers and kitesurfers skimming and flying across the waves. Not today. The sea was boiling. Even most of the golf courses seemed closed.

Through North Berwick for a coffee overlooking the Bass Rock and Tantallon Castle. Then back to the East Beach for a walk. It was a bit of a sandstorm and the grains blowing fiercely across the beach were at the dog’s eye level. So we did not stay too long but as the extra shows it was a sunny day. While 10oC it felt colder in the wind but one person braved the (slightly more sheltered water) and not in a wetsuit.

A drive back through the countryside got us home feeling refreshed. An enjoyable day.

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