THE Brian Cox

We don’t do Sky so daughters got Mr C the Succession box set for Christmas. He happened to leave the room and put it on pause just at the moment when Brian Cox looked so much in character. All the characters are horrible but now they are our horribles.

I forgot to say yesterday that #3 daughter complimented me on my witchy streak. I’m thankful it was in full working order. After the children had been in the car back from cubs on Wednesday with a boy who tested positive that night, I decided we’d not have Nathaniel on Thursday after school over to Friday evening. We had Ella as she had had Covid on a couple of weeks before but he’d not. When we took Ella back he was curled on the sofa watching Star Wars so I just waved to him and remarked to his mum that he looked peaky. She tested him after we’d gone and he was positive. He’s been quite poorly - I hope daughter doesn’t get another dose off him as she was so ill last time but she can’t bring herself to isolate from her wee boy. Ella just had to be tough and get on with it. So we dodged it again but only just!

The storm had calmed down by the time we got home last night so we were able to get a 5.5 mile walk this morning - the moor and steeply down to Whittingham road then up through the field to Physic Lane and home by the bottom carriage drive.

We continue to raise our BP by fuming about BJ, the Met and Liz Truss taking a private jet at our expense to Australia, at a cost of £500,000. If she become the next PM imagine what it’ll cost us to to get rid of Lulu Lytle’s gold flock wallpaper at No 10.

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