
By stellarossa

What a day!

It started well with a lovely early morning walk and then actually getting quite a bit of work done. I was grumpy to discover my secondment won’t start on 1 February as they left the recruitment for my replacement so late they won’t even do interviews until 31 January (after knowing about this for 6,weeks!).

At the back of my mind were some emergency medical tests in the afternoon. Just as I was about to leave for the hospital Juno started vomiting, repeatedly. I was considering cancelling the tests as I couldn’t really leave Juno alone when my lodger Emma came to the rescue and sat with her.

At the hospital they gave me results immediately which were fine much to my relief. Then home to a lethargic pup refusing to drink water. I spent the evening trying to get even a little bit of water into her with limited results, and brought her up to sleep on my bed so I could keep an eye on her. Vets first thing tomorrow!

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