As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


We filmed the last part of La Gara Sorprendente today. We began working at 9:00, and Chelsea just left my house (11:15). We filmed in the preserve, Gabi's house, and at the beach. I had to tutor and go to meet my accompanist in the middle of the day, so the rest of the group worked without me for a bit. Tutoring went well, and my accompanist seems like a really cool person.

Filming at the beach was stressful. The boardwalk has been closed since Sandy, so we had to split up to get to the pencil. Kenny and Larry went by the road, and Chelsea, Gabi and I went along the beach. We picked the worse option, and had to hop across the broken boardwalk and run through the construction zone to get there. We ended up getting a slap on the wrist from the workers at the beach, but not before Kenny and Larry filmed an awesome scene at the pencil.

I went coning.

Everyone had dinner at my house, and we worked until very, very late.

This week is going to be crazy.

I think I'll take my nap now before it's time to get ready for school.

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