A visit to the vets

The last two nights Ann's let me sleep in the bedroom with her because I've been a poorly pup and she wanted to keep an eye on me. I'm a very good little collie pup when I sleep in the bedroom. I just curl up in the corner of the room and go to sleep. I have the option of going into my own little bed in the kitchen if I want, but I like to be near Ann. I wasn't sick any more but I did go into the kitchen twice in the night to have a big drink.

First thing this morning I went out for about 15 mins and do you know what I did?................... I had two big splodges of diarrhoea. And not just any old diarrhoea................... it was pretty much just a brown liquid that came out of me. I know, I know, far too much information.

On the one hand, Ann was really pleased that I'd waited until I was outside, but on the other hand she was worried that splodging out such a horrible brown liquid wasn't normal, so as soon as the vets opened she phoned them and made an appointment for me to go and see them.

My appointment wasn't until this afternoon, so this morning we went for a walk in the grounds of Lauriston Castle (in this Blip) because she wanted to see how energetic I was off my lead. I was just like my normal, happy, bouncy, self. I hadn't bothered to eat any of my breakfast but quite often I don't eat my breakfast and I knew that Ann was going to buy me more chicken for dinner.

Anyway, after another half hour walk this afternoon, I went to the vets. I LOVE going to the vets. Everyone makes a fuss of me and tells me I'm absolutely gorgeous obviously. Though Ann still isn't allowed to go into the consultation room with me. The rules in Scotland are just getting ridiculous now?!! My human could RANT about this forever, but she won't. Lol!!!

Long story short. The vet thinks I probably ate something I shouldn't have eaten. (I was in the Hermitage on Friday and I definitely carried a very strange looking bit of wood/vegetation for a lot of my walk.)  I don't have a temperature and I was very happy & bouncy in the vets. He's given me a tin of 'gastrointestinal' dog food and some 'pro-bind'.
The dog food is yummy. I've already had a little bit. It's like pate. Yum! And the pro-bind (to help with my diarrhoea) is also yummy. I gobbled it up in super quick time and I'm going to get a little bit more later and then will have the rest tomorrow for breakfast.  And then I will have chicken & rice for dinner tomorrow night.  Yum, yum, yum!!!

..............There's definitely advantages to being a poorly pup?!!!

I'm having snooze time now but it looks like I'm well on the way to a full recovery. Yay!!!!

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