Droopy Tulips

Because I had packed all the vases - I only had a small glass for my tulips and they drank their water really fast!!! I thought Id do a bit of time lapse photography to see how long it took them to perk up. Just 4 hours!!!!

My back has gone today. Predictably! So very little has been done - by me anyway!

Mr W took down 2 large chests of Ikea drawers. They were flat packed but wouldn't fit down our narrow cottage stairs. They took him hours to put back together again in the garage ready for the removal truck but he was fuming by the time he had finished and dead grumpy!!! We didn't get time to walk Bella so she was grumpy. I told him off and he got the message and bought me a Mc Plant!!!

Then the news came in that we had finally exchanged - on both houses - which was great news. It took no time at all to sell our house and the chain has been hassle free right until the last week when our buyers solicitor really dragged his feet. But we are here now and will hopefully still complete on Friday!!!!

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