
By DramaQueen

Chub Club

Well it would appear that all those lovely food porn blips of late haven’t done my waistline any good at all….my work pants are straining at the seams!

I decided to go back to Slimming World as it’s worked for me (& Mr A, since he eats what I cook) before, so I know I can follow it as it’s pretty straightforward.

It’s only 17 weeks until my 50th birthday and I want to look fabby not flabby, so the countdown starts today.

I’d love to blame the menopause for how much weight I’ve gained since the wedding but in truth, I just love food and gin!

The kitchen is stocked with fresh veggies and healthy snacks and although I did buy another box of unicorn Angel delight, I made sure to wrap it this time so temptation is out of the way ;-)

DQ x

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