
I had a gym session booked but was not 100% committed to going!  I faffed a bit then faffed some more and eventually cancelled the session but felt guilty so went swimming instead.  I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the gym and exercise classes.  I would rather just walk and cycle and garden when the weather is nice but I do enjoy the gym when I actually get there, it’s just the mind games that go on before actually getting stuck in!  I did 21 lengths then ten minutes in the steam room pretending I was lying on a beach in the sun.  Home via tesco where milk and bread turned in to an £80 shop.  Met S still fully muzzled up and she told me off that I wasn’t!  I wasn’t going to get into a debate about no medical evidence that dirty pieces of material, shoved in a pocket prevent the spread!  Home for lunch before OH arrived back from golf - cross that a delivery lorry had scuffed his car and not stopped.  A little bit of polish and t cut removed the worst.

Afternoon appointment for nails and brows completed my day, before losing at scrabble.

Before I forget, the photo was sent to me by No1 who is making confetti. The venue will only allow natural confetti which retails around £100 for a big bag - ever the sensible one, she has given me instructions on how to dry flower leaves and as I always have fresh flowers in the house  I am looking forward to the task and £100 saved is £100 towards something else!

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