
I'm slowly equipping the music room, and part of that process is accommodating the equipment that exists in the real world and not in the digital domain. This amp is for monitoring analogue synths.

Given that a) I'm an amateur musician and b) I have neighbours, there was no need to go overboard on the keyboard monitoring, so I spent a little time looking on reviews and then settled on this fellow.

I was delighted that this was the best option for purely nostalgic reasons; the first amp I ever bought was a Laney Linebacker.

(I can't for the life of me remember exactly when I bought it, but I definitely had it when I used to rehearse and record with Jeff and Teresa at the Musician's Co-op in Lancaster in the mid-nineties. I suspect I bought it for those practice sessions as the kit in the Co-op rehearsal rooms was pretty much non-existent.)

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