Willow?, tea, and Fuschi

According to Wikipedia "The name of Salford derives from the Old English word Sealhford, meaning a ford by the willow trees." The ford in question is thought to have been around where Victoria Bridge is now, although I took this photo as I walked along the Crescent. To be honest, I don't even know if that is a willow tree, but it's done its job and provided a launch pad for my little bit of Salfordian history.

I took the picture walking back to the office after an extra guitar lesson at lunchtime, and in the evening the Minx and I went across to The Blues Kitchen to see my tutor, Paulo Fuschi, playing (see Extra).

Paolo plays with different line-ups, but I like this trio, with Laurie on drums and Bo on bass. They play three sets at The Blues Kitchen on Monday evenings, and the Minx and I stayed for the first two, which were both wonderful. Paolo even gave me a nod, playing the song we're learning at the moment, 'Nobody Knows You (When You're Down And Out)'

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