
A slightly arty offering, albeit with a water bottle and general kitchen untidiness is the far background. I couldn't be bothered to tidy it all away for one picture. 

The boys went into school beautifully today, the get there early plan seems to be working. Home for what turned out to be a good day on the domestic front: dropped the car off for MOT, ran the long way home to get 3.5 miles in, wrote some of the research proposal on the back of days of research, collected the car via the market, made blueberry muffins, chicket nuggets for the boys and aubergine bake for our dinner, cleaned the house - all before getting the boys. Time to sink into bed I think! 

Today I'm grateful for:
Fun morning with the boys, the youngest wouldn't let me get out of bed as he just wanted cuddles
Lift into town from a neighbour, which h was very kind and very spur of the moment
The eldest declaring his love of beavers! 

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