Poor dog

By gosh he feels so sorry for himself, but has at least started to be able to navigate with his cone of shame on.  He occasionally gets stuck and just stands there, waiting for something to change.  He has also developed the habit of pushing the cone into the back of your legs to try and get close, which is a touch irritating. 

One of those days where I couldn't settle somehow and worked on lots of things but achieved very little.  This was after loosing my glasses and spending over half an hour trying to find them - they were in the laundry basked of all places. 

A quiet day otherwise. The boys went to school early to help the going in issues, all worked pretty well - the youngest was greeted by his old reception teacher who had found his favourite dressing up jacket, he wore it all day and refused to take it off when I collected it. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Getting out for a run - so easy to get a bit lazy and ruin all the good January work 
Watching the boys swim, they have such fun (today it was long thin floats tied into a knot as if they were handle bars for a bike, the game was to see who won the race) 
Tired children after swimming, they always sleep well on a Wednesday and it's much needed

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