
It was alright when I set out on the bike mid-morning. This was perhaps a warning about 11 miles into the ride...snow in the fields and roads wet with meltwater. Then it started snowing, the temperature dropped and I looked to where I was heading, except I couldn't really see it, just an all-white sky full of snow. Fifty more miles of this? I thought not and readjusted the route and cut it all a bit short.

Which meant that I was home well in time to go and see The Souvenir Part II at the flicks this afternoon. I'd been meaning to see the original Souvenir after hearing such good things about it but had always managed to miss it. Until it was on telly very recently and I finally got to see what all the fuss was (supposedly) about. I thought it was indulgent crap. This one today...more of the same.

Right, just waiting for our eldest to get in from Glasgow sometime in the next hour or so and then we can eat and drink and be merry(ish).

Music Now Playing (Side D, Track 1 From A Vinyl Purchase That Arrived Today)

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