Hopetoun Hill.

This is turning out to be a very lazy week.  Janette phoned last night and we chatted for ages.  As a result I stayed up late reading and have used that as an excuse to do nothing all day. There was brilliant sunshine and it was bitingly cold. The only useful things I did was feed the birds, do my exercises and walk round to Alan's to pay for my car being serviced and MOT'd.   Oh, and the window cleaner came and got paid.    Sat photographing the birds on and off and had to put out more food.  They were all taking on as much fuel as they could.  Went out in the car an hour before sunset feeling I needed to get away from the garden.  I've been photographing there for over a week.  Didn't go far.  Stopped at Collessie and then on the road between two ponds from Letham to the Bow of Fife.  Favourite spots but I didn't linger. The sun looked beautiful but it was much too cold.  They say we will have snow over the weekend and I'm sure the ponds will be frozen by tomorrow.

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