A MIMent In Time

By justmim

This is not a food diary.

And this wasn't dinner for one!

With having been away in Northern Ireland and then working I hadn't been on campus since submitting my dissertation almost 3 weeks ago. Safe to say today was a very unwelcome shock to the system!

Got there in the end though and it was lovely to see some familiar faces throughout the day :) mum & dad picked me up and we headed down to Musselburgh for an early dinner...S. Luca for lasagne and raspberry milkshake...yum!

Sadly it was time to say goodbye to mum and dad as they head back to Wales this evening.

It has turned out to be a lovely evening so the living room is nicely brightened up...hopefully a suitable environment for getting a couple of hours of essay planning/prep out of the way before Broadchurch starts :)

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