More chocolate?!

Nutella pancakes...!

So chilled :)

Lots of my favourite things today...

Quiet, lazy morning with time to sit down to eat breakfast, drink tea & do my daily reading.

Church...with mum and dad! Wonderful sermon :)

Joined mum, dad & the rest of the FM folk for Sunday dinner...yum, yum and yum! HUGE Yorkshire puddings...

Wander out and about to walk said dinner off.

Chilled late afternoon/evening in flat having realised I'm actually quite tired...catching up with my book, drinking green tea, baking (ish) and flatmate chat.


Went on a bit of a Nutella spree on Pinterest earlier...came across these pancakes which you make with Nutella in the batter and, unlike most of the other things, don't need eggs. They're nice, but could do with more Nutella I think :)

I carried my camera in my bag all day, fully planning on trying to get a proper picture at some point. Obviously didn't happen! Hopefully sometime soon it will get a proper outing :)

Anyway...Monday tomorrow...soon rolls around!

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