Trouble in Paradise

Shocker! Awake at 7:30 to find rain tippling down outside the window. It can’t be! The forecast shows a big round sun. By the time we’d got down under a beach parasol, it had become intermittent and mid morning it finally cleared off. But, really! So that’s how the native vegetation is rain forest.
The whole day was really a prelude to a trip to Oistins where there’s some party type shenanigans alongside the harbour with food and drink. Well, it was great fun - we wandered about, me with beer in hand, taking in the sights. Then we chose an eatery. We chose very badly. Time went past; our food seemed to have been lost. It would be soon. Soon, it was very soon. I did manage to get a rum and ice to keep me going, but after one and a half hours I went over, slapped down a small bill and marched the SK out and over the road - to a KFC. Goddam it. Back to the minibus, KFC bag in hand. It’s a long story, I began….

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